
Ready To Apply Online?

We are proud of what we are accomplishing here and are excited to have you discover us.

As a public charter school in South Carolina, we are required to run a lottery to fill our seats. Our lottery process has several deadlines, so please read this entire introduction before completing the application. Also, be sure to choose the appropriate year from the School Year Applied For menu.



Applications will be accepted each year during an open enrollment period and continuously to maintain capacity in each grade level. All applications will be dated and timed as they are received and filed by grade level.

GREEN Enrollment Process and Timeline

Open Enrollment: 12/01/24 - 01/31/25

You are invited to our Informational Meeting for Prospective Families. Specific dates for each campus will be listed on their websites and social media. We also encourage you to participate in a school tour. The link to request a tour will be located on each campus website. Our full Enrollment Timeline is after the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Process Overview for CURRENT Students:

  1. DO NOT complete a 25-26 Lottery Application OR a 25-26 Registration Form in Scribbles.
  2. Complete the 25-26 Intent to Return form in Scribbles by January 10, 2025 to let us know if you are returning.
    1. You can REQUEST a transfer to another campus on this form. Requests are granted based on availability at the campus and grade level to which you wish to transfer.
    2. Greenville 5th graders are guaranteed a spot in 6th grade at Greenville Middle or GREEN Simpsonville when the Intent to Return is completed by January 10 and the transfer request portion of the Intent to Return is completed for those wishing to transfer to Simpsonville. No Lottery Application is needed.
    3. Any 8th grader already enrolled at a GREEN campus may claim their spot at GREEN Upstate High School in Simpsonville by indicating so on the 25-26 Intent to Return form. No Lottery Application is needed.
  3. Notify your school office staff if you need to change your Intent to Return form. Do not submit a new one.

Process Overview for NEW Students:

  1. Create a family account in Scribbles if you do not already have one.
  2. Add student profile(s) to your Family Dashboard if they are not already there.
  3. Complete a 25-26 Lottery Application for each student you wish to attend by clicking the Begin Application button.
  4. If you are offered a seat, log in to Scribbles and accept the seat on your Family Dashboard.
  5. If you have accepted a seat, log in to Scribbles and complete the 25-26 Registration Form by clicking the Begin Application button.
    1. If you complete a 25-26 Registration Form but have not been offered a seat AND accepted that seat offer, your registration form will be denied as every student must apply AND be accepted before completing the registration (enrollment) process.

Enrollment FAQs

To receive sibling priority, who is considered a “sibling?”

To be considered a “sibling” for purposes of sibling priority, an applicant must share at least one birth, adopted, or foster parent with a student who is currently enrolled at GREEN.

How does sibling priority work at GREEN Charter Schools?

  1. BEFORE the lottery, siblings of current students and children of staff will be seated before other applicants.
  2. DURING the lottery, if you are a sibling of another applicant and one of you gets a seat, all of your siblings will also get seats IF THERE ARE ENOUGH in the grade level to which they applied. If all seats are full in the grade level they need, then those siblings who cannot be immediately seated will move to the top of the waitlist behind other siblings already there in the same situation and each of you will be seated as seats become available.
  3. If your application is received AFTER the lottery deadline, most if not all seats will have been filled. Because of this, if you are the sibling of a currently enrolled student (or a child of a staff member or an applicant who has at least one sibling get a seat), you will move to the top of the waitlist with other siblings in the same situation and each of you will be seated as seats become available. We cannot guarantee seats to siblings after the lottery as most of those seats will have been filled. Please be sure to apply during Open Enrollment.

Once on the waitlist do we have to continue to apply every year?

Yes. Each year we conduct a new lottery for every grade in which we have available seats.

Process Timeline for Students (checks mark to whom each item applies):


Current Students

New Students



December 1, 2024

– January 10, 2025

Intent to Return Due in Scribbles

  • By January 10, all CURRENT students must notify their school whether or not they will be returning via this form.
  • These forms help us determine how many seats are available in each grade level for the lottery.
  • This saves your seat if returning.

Before Thanksgiving Break

Information Meetings for Prospective Families

  • At this meeting, parents will learn all about GREEN Charter and will be able to tour the school.
  • Each campus will set their own dates which will be announced on their websites and social media.

December 1, 2024

– January 31, 2025

Open Enrollment Period in Scribbles (our enrollment software)

  • Online application for 25-26 opens on 12/1.
  • Most seats will be filled during this lottery.
  • Siblings of current students must apply during this period to receive sibling preference.
  • The February lottery will only include students who completed the 25-26 application by midnight on 1/31.
  • Current students DO NOT complete an Application.

TBD per campus

School Tours

  • Each campus has a specific set of dates and times during which tours will be held. These events are located on each individual school’s website.
  • We may not be able to accommodate tours outside these scheduled events as we want to minimize the disruptions to our current students.


February 7, 2025

Lottery Drawing and Notifications Sent

  • Lottery will be run and students placed either in an open seat or on a waitlist for their grade level.
  • Once processed, all applicants, regardless of status, will be notified via email. Please make sure your email is correct.
  • Please do not contact the school for your results as the email will have both your results and the link to accept or decline any seat you may be offered.

February 21, 2025

(2 weeks after seat offer)

Acceptance Due in Scribbles

  • All offers must be accepted or declined by this date.
  • The application of any student who does not accept or decline the seat they’ve been offered will automatically be discarded once the deadline occurs.
  • If an application is discarded by the system, that seat will be immediately offered to the next person in line.

March 14, 2025

(3 weeks after acceptance deadline)

Enrollment Form Due in Scribbles

  • Online registration forms must be submitted by this date.
  • Any student who does not submit their form by March 14 will be removed from the enrollment list, and the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist.

Dates and Times TBD by each campus.

Family Join Up! Meeting


  • Families and students will meet with staff members to review school and family expectations, ask any questions, and purchase school uniforms if they choose.
  • Newly accepted students at GREEN Upstate High will register their course requests at this meeting.
  • This meeting is REQUIRED for students to attend GREEN Charter Schools.

*Applications submitted after January 31, 2025 will be placed on the waitlist after all on-time lottery applicants.

What To Expect


GREEN Charter School is committed to enrolling a diverse student population and abides by the South Carolina Statutes that forbid discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, gender, marital status, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. GREEN shall enroll an eligible student who submits a timely application unless the number of applications exceed the capacity of a program, class, grade level or building. In such cases, all applicants shall have an equal chance of being admitted through a Lottery.


Parents can now make online payments for certain school expenses with MySchoolBucks. Simply log into your secure online MySchoolBucks account and you can pay for items including after school care fees, club fees, field trips, class fees, student fees and more.


Please contact to set up a tour today!

We will host scheduled tours every Tuesday from 3:30pm until 6:00pm and every Thursday from 9:00am until 2:00pm.

Important to Note...

If you apply to more than one GREEN campus, and you accept any seat offered to you, you will be removed from all other GREEN waitlists. If you choose to decline an offered seat at one campus, you can stay on the other waitlist(s). However, once you decline a seat, it will be offered to the next student in line and will not be available to you, even if you do not make it off the waitlist of the other school(s).